Thursday, August 11, 2011

Vortex Machine-Maxi Mix II

HI everyone, 

ever get tired of shaking and mixing your solutions like stupid idoit?
Fear no more~~

the Maxi MIx II is here
and is more powerful that it ever will be!!!

so...what is a vortex machine anyway?

A vortex maching is basically a machine that creates vortex by vibrating it with a certain frequency.
 something like swirling your solution when you are hyperactive.

it can be set ON using touch, or just be ON at all time.
and i would say they are seriously useful when you are dissolving cell pellet.

A mode select allow you to set the vibration speed.

In some cases, high speed vortex would actually damage your sample since you would cause searing in DNA and might actually kill your cells.
the rack for the vortex~~~~
So that all for today about mixing

And finally, some underwater world that you can find in our lab.

The bottom part of a dirty beaker~~~~

Thats all for today everyone

see you next time

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Pantai Puteri Trip-Part 3

(skip this repeat speech if you already saw it in Part2)

I went to Pasir Panjang on the 18th of June for a beach cleaning survey~
It was almost awesome except for the humongous amount of plastics bag and bottles found on the beach

so, rather than focus on the ugly part
i think i would just share some of my photos taken during the trip~

Enjoy everyone

OK~ that's all for Pantai Puteri
Hope you guys enjoy
