Friday, December 31, 2010

Bio-safety Cabinet-Level 1

Happy Birthday everyone~~in the last day of year 2010
i will be introducing a big and expansive cupboard not used for storing clothings

So would you believe me if i say it is usually not advisable to put anything inside?

ok~for the 1st time, is it true..

A biosafety cabinet (BSC)biological safety cabinet, or microbiological safety cabinet is an enclosed, ventilated workspace for safely working with materials contaminated with (or potentially contaminated with) pathogens in the laboratory. Several different types exist, differentiated by the specifics of construction.
the one we using here just a level one cabinet as we are not handling any pathogenic viruses

1stly, an rough overview of the cabinet~~~not much impressive..

 OK~now for the controls of a bio-safety cabinet~buttons for Ultraviolet light, normal lamp, and air flow control can all be found be here

 Some instruction can be found on the bottom right corner of the cabinet!~ 

 A UV proof glass that able to protect us from dangerous UV light during sterilization

 OK ~the basic of a bio-safety cabinet is to provide bacteria and virus free air flow to the environment,
the picture below shows the filter that helps to clean the air

 Another view of the cabinet from an eye of a kid

 A socket can also be found inside the cabinet to provide electricity to any equipment that have to be used inside the cabinet

an arm rest for those tiring arms during culturing

 Last but not least, a drain valve to remove any liquid that were dropped into the cabinet holes.

Happy new year everyone~~~beware of the ninja that wanders around the school of swinburne

is he a biotech??/
i have no idea

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