first of all good luck for all the people having their final exam tomorrow~(including me), remember to bring your calculators and some batteries just in case they fail at the last minute.
ok~today i am gonna show you something totally irrelevant with organic chemistry
just a simple instrument we had been using since primary school
but what would be the best way of using is the problem
only as a student myself
i just gonna show you how i can view my slides on 1000x in just 2 minutes (or less sometime)
ok~the always famous Microscope~~the one we were using here is a normal compound microscope that you would be able to find in any supermarket, big or small......hehe~~just kidding
It is equipped with 2 10x eye lens, and 4 object pieces, each with a magnification of 4x ,10x, 40, and a oil immersion 100x
Also, you no longer have ti turn your mirror up and down to find the light source (thats what we do 10 years ago), most of the modern microscope have their own lamp. However, the lamp are quite fragile and are not suitable for long time usage, so please turn them off right after you use it~~
Now, this is the lamp i am talking about~
so now you have yo switch on your lamp, i dont think i need to tell you how to do that....

ok~after the power source is on line~you should be able to find a switch which looks somehow similar to the one shown below
1st, turn the node so that it is pointing the minimum position, then switch the power to "I" position, then only you should start power up your light slowly~~like i said just now~

now you have officially ON the princess~~~
so, lets us take a slide for observation~i had skipped the part about fixing bacteria, and i had already told you how to make a gram stain~
Your slide should appear as something like this

Place them on the center of the microscope and make sure the light passes through the organism.
start with the 4x magnification to locate the desire position.

Then turn the focus clockwise (the big one below) so that your slide is 1mm below the object piece.
Slowly and gently rotate the big knob counterclockwise until you have a flash of clear image, which indicate your focus point~
i know this is boring, but i still have to continue
slowly turn your small knob back until you can see a clear image ~!!!
BOOOM~~~you get your image ready to observe.
The you can start ti increase your magnification ~~~~

For some small organism such as bacteria, a 1000x magnification had to be used. In this case, turn the object piece on the the position shown below and drop one drop of immersion oil right on top of the slide. Just a small drop will do~~~
The turn you object piece "wheel", do not turn the lens themselves~!you might spoil the whole thing
and repeat the same procedure until you get something like the one shown below

OK~~now the important CHEMISTRY TIPS~!!!
hmmmm....according to my prediction, some question below should be very very important to know
1. Mechanism of aldol condensation
2. compare the conditions for direct and conjugated addition
3. Mannich and Wittig reaction
4.The continuation of Mannich, Micheal and Robbison reaction
5.Hess law and born-Harber cycle.
finally, bring your brain into the exam hall..Dont let those zombie have a chance to eat them~!
bye bye~~good luck for your exam
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