Thursday, January 6, 2011

Safety features in the lAb

Scientific lab, is a highly Hazardous.

Thats why, lots of safety features are equipped to protect us from any accident.

1st of all, a large and yellowish bio-hazard sign~just to tell people that you had enter a place of no return. 
and of cause, to scare off politician

A friendly reminder to order people that labcoat, covered shoes and safety glasses is needed in the lab 

some tips~~~

ok~no food and drink
and i dont think anyone would wanna eat or drink in that kind of environment...

some tissue to wipe up spilled chemical, and a instant hand sanitizer which is not really useful
we always prefer water and soap

a fire blanket for any fire that intent to stay over night at the lab
just to keep them comfy

A fire extinguisher that would chase off any fire that are not willing to pay the hotel fees

A whole body shower. This allow people to wash themselves instantly right after breakfast
we are after all, a 5 star lab
ok~just kidding, this is just for rinsing when acid is spilled on your friend.

seriously, i am no idea what is this

A fire tap just in case someone is playing with fire~~

and lots of pipeline for putting off fire~~(at least some of them..)
they are actually nitrogen pipes, compress air pipes and liquid butane pipes here

thats all for today folks
have a nice day

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